Service configuration with systemd

After the download, installation, and configuration phases of an activemq role execution, additional configuration is performed by the collection to allow the service to be controlled as a systemd unit.

Base systemd unit definition

The template used for the systemd unit is:

# {{ ansible_managed }}
Description={{ activemq.instance_name }} {{ }} Service
{% if activemq_shared_storage and activemq_shared_storage_mounted %}
RequiresMountsFor={{ activemq_shared_storage_path }}
{% endif %}

User={{ activemq_service_user }}
Group={{ activemq_service_group }}
EnvironmentFile=-/etc/sysconfig/{{ activemq.instance_name }}
PIDFile={{ activemq.instance_home }}/{{ activemq_service_pidfile }}
ExecStart={{ activemq.instance_home }}/bin/artemis-service start
ExecStop={{ activemq.instance_home }}/bin/artemis-service stop
SuccessExitStatus = 0 143
RestartSec = 120
Restart = on-failure
{% if activemq_systemd_wait_for_port %}
ExecStartPost=/usr/bin/timeout {{ activemq_systemd_wait_for_timeout }} sh -c 'while ! ss -H -t -l -n sport = :{{ activemq_port }} | grep -q "^LISTEN.*:{{ activemq_port }}"; do sleep 1; done && /bin/sleep {{ activemq_systemd_wait_for_delay }}'
{% endif %}
{% if activemq_systemd_wait_for_log %}
{% if activemq_ha_enabled %}
ExecStartPost=/usr/bin/timeout {{ activemq_systemd_wait_for_timeout }} sh -c 'tail -n 15 -f {{ activemq.instance_home }}/log/artemis.log | sed "/AMQ221109|AMQ221001/ q" && /bin/sleep {{ activemq_systemd_wait_for_delay }}'
{% else %}
ExecStartPost=/usr/bin/timeout {{ activemq_systemd_wait_for_timeout }} sh -c 'tail -n 15 -f {{ activemq.instance_home }}/log/artemis.log | sed "/AMQ221034/ q" && /bin/sleep {{ activemq_systemd_wait_for_delay }}'
{% endif %}
{% endif %}


The notable configurations are for the paths and user/group that runs the service, in addition to the “wait_for” feature that will be discussed in the next paragraph.

The /etc/sysconfig/<instance_name> is an environment variable definition file, also created and maintained by the collection, which populates the environment for the service as follows:

# {{ ansible_managed }}
JAVA_ARGS='{{ activemq_java_opts }} {{ activemq_logger_opts }} {{ activemq_jmx_opts }} {{ activemq_properties_opts }}'
JAVA_HOME={{ activemq_java_home  | default(activemq_rpm_java_home, true) }}
HAWTIO_ROLE='{{ activemq_hawtio_role }}'
ARTEMIS_INSTANCE_URI='file:{{ activemq.instance_home }}/'
ARTEMIS_INSTANCE_ETC_URI='file:{{ activemq.instance_home }}/etc/'
ARTEMIS_HOME='{{ activemq.home }}'
ARTEMIS_INSTANCE='{{ activemq.instance_home }}'
{% if activemq_shared_storage %}
ARTEMIS_DATA_DIR='{{ activemq_shared_storage_path }}'
{% else %}
ARTEMIS_DATA_DIR='{{ activemq.instance_home }}/data'
{% endif %}
ARTEMIS_ETC_DIR='{{ activemq.instance_home }}/etc'
ARTEMIS_USER={{ activemq_service_user }}

Configuration for HA / clustering

A few parameters are available, that when enabled (by default when ha is enabled), add configurations to the systemd unit, so that service start/restart commands return only after certain conditions (ie. some port is open / a console log line):





Whether or not systemd unit should wait for activemq_port before returning

true when activemq_ha_enabled is true and activemq_shared_storage is false


Whether or not systemd unit should wait for service to be up in logs

true when activemq_ha_enabled and activemq_shared_storage are true


How long to wait for service to be alive (seconds)



Activation delay for service systemd unit (seconds)



The string to match in the logs when activemq_systemd_wait_for_log is true and HA is enabled



The string to match in the logs when activemq_systemd_wait_for_log is true and HA is not enabled



The port number to wait for when activemq_systemd_wait_for_port is true

{{ activemq_port }}

By default, the wait_for_port is used for replication HA, while wait_for_log for shared store HA, however, they can be individually or both together used along with any other configuration.

Running the systemd configuration on itself

The task file systemd.yml provided by the collection is also defined as an entrypoint, meaning that you can:

- name: Configure systemd unit
    - name: activemq
      tasks_from: systemd

That allows to configure systemd on existing installation of activemq, requiring a subset of the parameters needed by the full execution of the activemq role.

Here’s the list of what you may need to configure to fit your environment, with the default value:





Apache Artemis version



Apache Artemis Installation path

{{ activemq_dest }}/apache-artemis-{{ activemq_version }}


Root installation directory



POSIX user running the service



POSIX group running the service



systemd service unit name



Name of broker instance to deploy



Additional JVM options for the service

-Xms512M -Xmx2G [...]


RPM package to install for the service



JAVA_HOME of installed JRE, leave empty for using specified activemq_jvm_package path



Artemis role for hawtio console access


|activemq_systemd_wait_for_port | Whether or not systemd unit should wait for activemq_port before returning | true when activemq_ha_enabled is true and activemq_shared_storage is false | |activemq_systemd_wait_for_log | Whether or not systemd unit should wait for service to be up in logs | true when activemq_ha_enabled and activemq_shared_storage are true | |activemq_systemd_wait_for_timeout| How long to wait for service to be alive (seconds) |60| |activemq_systemd_wait_for_delay| Activation delay for service systemd unit (seconds) |10| |activemq_systemd_wait_for_log_ha_string | The string to match in the logs when activemq_systemd_wait_for_log is true and HA is enabled | AMQ221109\|AMQ221001 | |activemq_systemd_wait_for_log_string | The string to match in the logs when activemq_systemd_wait_for_log is true and HA is not enabled | AMQ221034 | |activemq_systemd_wait_for_port_number| The port number to wait for when activemq_systemd_wait_for_port is true | {{ activemq_port }} |

Verify deployment

You can now login on the target instance, and run:

[root@instance /]# systemctl status amq-broker
● amq-broker.service - amq-broker Apache ActiveMQ Service
     Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/amq-broker.service; enabled; preset: disabled)
     Active: active (running) since Thu 2024-08-22 09:02:33 UTC; 3h 33min ago
    Process: 4061 ExecStart=/opt/amq/amq-broker/bin/artemis-service start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
   Main PID: 4064 (java)
      Tasks: 66 (limit: 30641)
     Memory: 394.2M
        CPU: 41.030s
     CGroup: /system.slice/amq-broker.service
             └─4064 /etc/alternatives/jre_17/bin/java -Xms512M -Xmx2G -XX:+PrintClassHistogram -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UseStringDeduplication -Dhawtio.disableProxy=true -Dhawtio.realm=activemq -Dhawtio.offline=true -Djolokia.policyLocation=file:/opt/amq/amq-broker/etc/jolokia-access.xml -Dhawtio.role=admin -classpath /opt/amq/apache-artemis-2.34.0/lib/artemis-boot.jar -Dartemis.home=/opt/amq/apache-artemis-2.34.0 -Dartemis.instance=/opt/amq/amq-broker -Djava.library.path=/opt/amq/apache-artemis-2.34.0/bin/lib/linux-x86_64 -Ddata.dir=/opt/amq/amq-broker/data -Dartemis.instance.etc=/opt/amq/amq-broker/etc org.apache.activemq.artemis.boot.Artemis run

Aug 22 09:02:32 instance systemd[1]: Starting amq-broker Apache ActiveMQ Service...
Aug 22 09:02:32 instance artemis-service[4061]: Starting artemis-service
Aug 22 09:02:33 instance artemis-service[4061]: artemis-service is now running (4064)
Aug 22 09:02:33 instance systemd[1]: Started amq-broker Apache ActiveMQ Service.

The systemd journal also will be available, with:

[root@instance /]# journalctl -u amq-broker -n 50
Aug 22 12:37:30 instance systemd[1]: Stopping amq-broker Apache ActiveMQ Service...
Aug 22 12:37:30 instance artemis-service[6072]: Gracefully Stopping artemis-service
Aug 22 12:37:31 instance systemd[1]: amq-broker.service: Deactivated successfully.
Aug 22 12:37:31 instance systemd[1]: Stopped amq-broker Apache ActiveMQ Service.
Aug 22 12:37:31 instance systemd[1]: amq-broker.service: Consumed 42.425s CPU time.
Aug 22 12:37:31 instance systemd[1]: Starting amq-broker Apache ActiveMQ Service...
Aug 22 12:37:31 instance artemis-service[6156]: Starting artemis-service
Aug 22 12:37:32 instance artemis-service[6156]: artemis-service is now running (6159)
Aug 22 12:37:32 instance systemd[1]: Started amq-broker Apache ActiveMQ Service.

And eventually, the other systemctl commands: start, stop, and restart.

If configuration for the wait_for conditions was enabled, you’ll additionally notice that the commands do not return immediately, but only after the service is considered healthy (ie. the condition has been met).