Ansible Collection - middleware_automation.jws

Build Status

This repository contains the Ansible roles and playbooks to setup Red Hat JBoss Web Server (JWS).

Ansible version compatibility

This collection has been tested against following Ansible versions: >=2.9.10.

Plugins and modules within a collection may be tested with only specific Ansible versions. A collection may contain metadata that identifies these versions.

Included content


  • The jws role which:

    • Installs JAVA

    • Installs basic packages required for JWS

    • Adds JWS user and group

    • Downloads JWS and installs the application server

    • Makes sure that JWS directory structure belongs to the JWS user and group

    • Deploys server.xml, web.xml, and context.xml

Installation and Usage

How to use this collection

The use of the collection will vary on the installation method you choose. The following options are available:

  • Local JWS zipfiles

  • The JWS RPMs

  • Setting a custom URL for downloading the JWS archives


You can run the collection directly from this folder for demonstration purpose, however, the proper way is to install the collection using Galaxy:

$ ansible-galaxy collection install middleware_automation.jws

For development purpose, if you want to test changes to the collection itself, you can build and install it using the following commands:

$ ansible-galaxy collection build .
$ ansible-galaxy collection install middleware_automation-jws-*.tar.gz

Installing JWS

Using local JWS zipfiles

Download the required zipfiles from your Red Hat account, and place them into the directory you execute the ansible-playbook command on the controller:

  • Red Hat JBoss Web Server 5.7.0 Application Server (the application server itself)

  • Red Hat JBoss Web Server 5.7.0 Application Server for RHEL 8 x86_64 (the native components)

Provide the path to those zipfiles:

  jws_install_method: zipfiles
  jws_version: 5.7.0
  jws_native: True

Note that if you respect the naming convention above for the file name, which is the default filename as set by the RHN download, you can just provide the JWS version instead of those two paths:

  jws_version: 5.7.0

Note: if you provide the jws_version and set jws_native to True, then the collection will compute the value of jws_native_zipfile for you.

Using JWS RPMs

Change the default install method to RPM and provide the appropriate Tomcat HOME in the playbooks:

  jws_home: /opt/rh/jws5/root/usr/share/tomcat/
  jws_install_method: rpm

Using a custom URL to download the JWS archives

To use the install method zipfiles, downloading from a custom URL, set :

   jws_install_method: zipfiles

Running the playbooks

  1. Configure the install method as described above!

  2. Update your inventory, e.g.:

    [jws]      # Remote host to act on
  3. Update variables in vars.yml file; the variables are as follow:

    • jws_version (which version of jws to install)

    • jws_java_version (which version of java to install, ie. name of the JVM rpm package)

    • jws_listen_http_port and/or tomcat_listen_https_port (which http/https ports to listen on)

  4. Run the playbook; see Running the Playbook below!

Note: If you are using a non root remote user, then set username and enable sudo:

become: yes
become_method: sudo

ModCluster Listener

What does the ModCluster Listener do

Allows communication between Apache Tomcat and the Apache HTTP Server’s mod_proxy_cluster module. This allows the Apache HTTP Server to be used as a load balancer for JBoss Web Server. For information on the configuration of mod_cluster, or for information on the installation and configuration of the alternative load balancers mod_jk and mod_proxy, see the HTTP Connectors and Load Balancing Guide.

How to enable ModCluster Listener

All that you have to do to enable a mod_cluster listener for jws is to edit the mod_cluster variables in the vars.yml:

  • jws_modcluster_enabled (Set to True to enable the listener)

  • jws_modcluster_ip (Set the ip of the mod_cluster instance)

  • jws_modcluster_port (Set the port of the mod_cluster instance)

(This feature is validated and tested by the following Molecule scenario )

Vault for JWS

What does tomcat-vault do

Allows users to mask passwords and other sensitive strings, and store them in an encrypted Java keystore. Using the vault enables you to stop storing clear-text passwords in your Tomcat configuration files, because Tomcat can lookup passwords and other sensitive strings from a keystore using the vault.

How to enable tomcat-vault

Before you can enable the tomcat-vault feature, you must follow our documentation on how to create the required files for the feature to function. Please visit the JWS Installation Guide, Chapter 6 for next steps, and return here once you’ve generated your vault files.

Once you have your vault files (vault.keystore, VAULT.dat, and, you’ll need to set the following variables to point to each file:

jws_vault_name: ./vault_files/vault.keystore
jws_vault_data: ./vault_files/VAULT.dat
jws_vault_properties: ./vault_files/

With this configuration done, you can turn on the vault feature by setting jws_tomcat_vault_enabled to True in your vars.yml file.

In addition to that, you need to provide several other bits of information from the tomcat-vault configuration step in Chapter 6. You’ll need to set the following variables to match the values used in your tomcat-vault configuration:

  • jws_tomcat_vault_alias

  • jws_tomcat_vault_storepass

  • jws_tomcat_vault_iteration

  • jws_tomcat_vault_salt

Enable HTTPS

The default template for server.xml provided with this Ansible collection already includes the required configuration to use HTTPS. It just need to be activated. However, the collection does not build, nor provide the required Java Keystore. It expects it to be already installed and available.

jws_listen_https_enabled: True
# add the following variable to change default port (default: 8443)
jws_listen_https_port: '8443'
# add the following variable to change default bind address (default: localhost)
jws_listen_https_bind_address: 'localhost'
# add the following variable to change the default path to the keystore file (default: /etc/ssl/keystore.jks)
jws_listen_https_keystore_file: /etc/ssl/keystore.jks
# add the following variable to change the default password to the keystore (default: changeit)
jws_listen_https_keystore_password: changeit

Please refers to the server documentation for more details on the setup and configuration of this feature.

Note: There other collections and modules available to automate the creation of those files (such as Ansible OpenSSH Keypair collection, Ansible Collection Community Crytpo and the Java Keystore module). Please refers to those in order to automate this part.

(This feature is validated and tested by the following Molecule scenario )

Overriding the default template for server.xml

The provided template for the server.xml.j2 covers the most basic use case of the server. It’s most likely that a user will need to replace this template by its own, it order to deploy a fine-grained configuration, suiting one’s use case. To do so, just change of this default variable:

jws_conf_templates_server: path/to/my_template_for_server_xml.j2

(This feature is validated and tested by the following Molecule scenario )

How to deploy webapps?

Simply use Ansible existing module! For instance, you can use the get_url: module to deploy a webapp downloaded from a repository:

- name: Download App
    dest: "{{ jws_home }}/tomcat/webapps/"

Another option is to use the copy: module that allow to deploy a file from the Ansible controller to the target:

- ansible.builtin.copy:
   src: files/jolokia-war-1.7.1.war
   dest: "{{ jws_home }}/tomcat/webapps/"

This module can also be used if the file already exists on the target host:

- ansible.builtin.copy:
   src: files/jolokia-war-1.7.1.war
   dest: "{{ jws_home }}/tomcat/webapps/"
   remote_src: yes

However, to avoid duplicating the files, a symlink or hardlink can also be used instead using the module file::

- ansible.builtin.file:
    src: /apps/jolokia-war-1.7.1.war
    dest: "{{ jws_home }}/tomcat/webapps/jolokia-war-1.7.1.war"
    state: link

Bottom line: Ansible has many features to help deploy webapps into the appropriate directory for the server!

Running the Playbook

Once all values are updated, you can then run the playbook against your nodes.

Playbook executed as root user - with ssh key:

$ ansible-playbook -i hosts playbooks/playbook.yml

Playbook executed as root user - with password:

$ ansible-playbook -i hosts playbooks/playbook.yml --ask-pass

Playbook executed as sudo user - with password:

$ ansible-playbook -i hosts playbooks/playbook.yml --ask-pass --ask-become-pass

Playbook executed as sudo user - with ssh key and sudo password:

$ ansible-playbook -i hosts playbooks/playbook.yml --ask-become-pass

Playbook executed as sudo user - with ssh key and passwordless sudo:

$ ansible-playbook -i hosts playbooks/playbook.yml --ask-become-pass

Execution should be successful without errors


This collection is released as Technical Preview for Red Hat Customer JWS Ansible Collection. If you have any issues or questions related to collection, please don’t hesitate to contact us on or open an issue on


Apache License v2.0 or later

See LICENSE to view the full text.