keycloak ======== Install [keycloak]( or [Red Hat Single Sign-On]( server configurations. Requirements ------------ This role requires the `python3-netaddr` library installed on the controller node. * to install via yum/dnf: `dnf install python3-netaddr` * to install via apt: `apt install python3-netaddr` * or via pip: `pip install netaddr==0.8.0` * or via the collection: `pip install -r requirements.txt` Dependencies ------------ The roles depends on: * [middleware_automation.common]( * [ansible-posix]( To install all the dependencies via galaxy: ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yml Versions -------- | RH-SSO VERSION | Release Date | Keycloak Version | EAP Version | Notes | |:---------------|:------------------|:-----------------|:------------|:----------------| |`7.5.0 GA` |September 20, 2021 |`15.0.2` | `7.4.6` |[Release Notes](| |`7.6.0 GA` |June 30, 2022 |`18.0.3` | `7.4.6` |[Release Notes](| Patching -------- When variable `keycloak_rhsso_apply_patches` is `true` (default: `false`), the role will automatically apply the latest cumulative patch for the selected base version. | RH-SSO VERSION | Release Date | RH-SSO LATEST CP | Notes | |:---------------|:------------------|:-----------------|:----------------| |`7.5.0 GA` |January 20, 2022 |`7.5.3 GA` |[Release Notes](| |`7.6.0 GA` |November 11, 2022 |`7.6.1 GA` |[Release Notes](| Role Defaults ------------- * Service configuration | Variable | Description | Default | |:---------|:------------|:---------| |`keycloak_ha_enabled`| Enable auto configuration for database backend, clustering and remote caches on infinispan | `False` | |`keycloak_ha_discovery`| Discovery protocol for HA cluster members | `JDBC_PING` if `keycloak_db_enabled` else `TCPPING` | |`keycloak_db_enabled`| Enable auto configuration for database backend | `True` if `keycloak_ha_enabled` is True, else `False` | |`keycloak_remote_cache_enabled`| Enable remote cache store when in clustered ha configurations | `True` if `keycloak_ha_enabled` else `False` | |`keycloak_admin_user`| Administration console user account | `admin` | |`keycloak_bind_address`| Address for binding service ports | `` | |`keycloak_management_port_bind_address`| Address for binding management ports | `` | |`keycloak_host`| hostname | `localhost` | |`keycloak_http_port`| HTTP port | `8080` | |`keycloak_https_port`| TLS HTTP port | `8443` | |`keycloak_ajp_port`| AJP port | `8009` | |`keycloak_jgroups_port`| jgroups cluster tcp port | `7600` | |`keycloak_management_http_port`| Management port | `9990` | |`keycloak_management_https_port`| TLS management port | `9993` | |`keycloak_prefer_ipv4`| Prefer IPv4 stack and addresses for port binding | `true` | |`keycloak_config_standalone_xml`| filename for configuration | `keycloak.xml` | |`keycloak_service_user`| posix account username | `keycloak` | |`keycloak_service_group`| posix account group | `keycloak` | |`keycloak_service_restart_always`| systemd restart always behavior activation | `False` | |`keycloak_service_restart_on_failure`| systemd restart on-failure behavior activation | `False` | |`keycloak_service_startlimitintervalsec`| systemd StartLimitIntervalSec | `300` | |`keycloak_service_startlimitburst`| systemd StartLimitBurst | `5` | |`keycloak_service_restartsec`| systemd RestartSec | `10s` | |`keycloak_service_pidfile`| pid file path for service | `/run/keycloak/` | |`keycloak_features` | List of `name`/`status` pairs of features (also known as profiles on RH-SSO) to `enable` or `disable`, example: `[ { name: 'docker', status: 'enabled' } ]` | `[]` |`keycloak_jvm_package`| RHEL java package runtime | `java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless` | |`keycloak_java_home`| `JAVA_HOME` of installed JRE, leave empty for using RPM path at `keycloak_jvm_package` | `None` | |`keycloak_java_opts`| Additional JVM options | `-Xms1024m -Xmx2048m` | * Install options | Variable | Description | Default | |:---------|:------------|:---------| |`keycloak_offline_install` | perform an offline install | `false`| |`keycloak_download_url`| Download URL for keycloak | ``| |`keycloak_version`| package version | `18.0.2` | |`keycloak_dest`| Installation root path | `/opt/keycloak` | |`keycloak_download_url` | Download URL for keycloak | `{{ keycloak_version }}/{{ keycloak_archive }}` | |`keycloak_configure_firewalld` | Ensure firewalld is running and configure keycloak ports | `false` | * Miscellaneous configuration | Variable | Description | Default | |:---------|:------------|:--------| |`keycloak_archive` | keycloak install archive filename | `keycloak-legacy-{{ keycloak_version }}.zip` | |`keycloak_download_url_9x` | Download URL for keycloak (deprecated) | `{{ keycloak_version }}/{{ keycloak_archive }}` | |`keycloak_installdir` | Installation path | `{{ keycloak_dest }}/keycloak-{{ keycloak_version }}` | |`keycloak_jboss_home` | Installation work directory | `{{ keycloak_rhsso_installdir }}` | |`keycloak_jboss_port_offset` | Port offset for the JBoss socket binding | `0` | |`keycloak_config_dir` | Path for configuration | `{{ keycloak_jboss_home }}/standalone/configuration` | |`keycloak_config_path_to_standalone_xml` | Custom path for configuration | `{{ keycloak_jboss_home }}/standalone/configuration/{{ keycloak_config_standalone_xml }}` | |`keycloak_config_override_template` | Path to custom template for standalone.xml configuration | `''` | |`keycloak_auth_realm` | Name for rest authentication realm | `master` | |`keycloak_auth_client` | Authentication client for configuration REST calls | `admin-cli` | |`keycloak_force_install` | Remove pre-existing versions of service | `false` | |`keycloak_url` | URL for configuration rest calls | `http://{{ keycloak_host }}:{{ keycloak_http_port + keycloak_jboss_port_offset }}` | |`keycloak_management_url` | URL for management console rest calls | `http://{{ keycloak_host }}:{{ keycloak_management_http_port + keycloak_jboss_port_offset }}` | |`keycloak_frontend_url_force` | Force backend requests to use the frontend URL | `false` | |`keycloak_db_background_validation` | Enable background validation of database connection | `false` | |`keycloak_db_background_validation_millis`| How frequenly the connection pool is validated in the background | `10000` if background validation enabled | |`keycloak_db_background_validate_on_match` | Enable validate on match for database connections | `false` | |`keycloak_frontend_url` | frontend URL for keycloak endpoint | `http://localhost:8080/auth/` | |`keycloak_log_target`| Set the destination of the keycloak log folder link | `/var/log/keycloak` | Role Variables -------------- The following are a set of _required_ variables for the role: | Variable | Description | |:---------|:------------| |`keycloak_admin_password`| Password for the administration console user account (minimum 12 characters) | |`keycloak_frontend_url` | frontend URL for keycloak endpoint | `http://localhost:8080/auth/` | The following parameters are _required_ only when `keycloak_ha_enabled` is true: | Variable | Description | Default | |:---------|:------------|:--------| |`keycloak_modcluster_enabled`| Enable configuration for modcluster subsystem | `True` if `keycloak_ha_enabled` is True, else `False` | |`keycloak_modcluster_url` | _deprecated_ Host for the modcluster reverse proxy | `localhost` | |`keycloak_modcluster_port` | _deprecated_ Port for the modcluster reverse proxy | `6666` | |`keycloak_modcluster_urls` | List of {host,port} dicts for the modcluster reverse proxies | `[ { localhost:6666 } ]` | |`keycloak_jdbc_engine` | backend database engine when db is enabled: [ postgres, mariadb, sqlserver ] | `postgres` | |`keycloak_infinispan_url` | URL for the infinispan remote-cache server | `localhost:11122` | |`keycloak_infinispan_user` | username for connecting to infinispan | `supervisor` | |`keycloak_infinispan_pass` | password for connecting to infinispan | `supervisor` | |`keycloak_infinispan_sasl_mechanism`| Authentication type | `SCRAM-SHA-512` | |`keycloak_infinispan_use_ssl`| Enable hotrod TLS communication | `False` | |`keycloak_infinispan_trust_store_path`| Path to truststore with infinispan server certificate | `/etc/pki/java/cacerts` | |`keycloak_infinispan_trust_store_password`| Password for opening truststore | `changeit` | The following parameters are _required_ only when `keycloak_db_enabled` is true: | Variable | Description | Default | |:---------|:------------|:---------| |`keycloak_jdbc_url` | URL for the postgres backend database | `jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/keycloak` | |`keycloak_jdbc_driver_version`| Version for the JDBC driver to download | `9.4.1212` | |`keycloak_db_user` | username for connecting to postgres | `keycloak-user` | |`keycloak_db_pass` | password for connecting to postgres | `keycloak-pass` | The following variables are _optional_: | Variable | Description | |:---------|:------------| |`keycloak_db_valid_conn_sql` | Override the default database connection validation query sql | |`keycloak_admin_url` | Override the default administration endpoint URL | |`keycloak_jgroups_subnet`| Override the subnet match for jgroups cluster formation; if not defined, it will be inferred from local machine route configuration | Example Playbook ----------------- * The following is an example playbook that makes use of the role to install keycloak from remote: ```yaml --- - hosts: ... vars: keycloak_admin_password: "remembertochangeme" roles: - middleware_automation.keycloak.keycloak ``` * The following example playbook makes use of the role to install keycloak from the controller node: ```yaml --- - hosts: ... collections: - middleware_automation.keycloak tasks: - name: Include keycloak role include_role: name: keycloak vars: keycloak_admin_password: "remembertochangeme" keycloak_offline_install: true # This should be the filename of keycloak archive on Ansible node: ``` License ------- Apache License 2.0 Author Information ------------------ * [Guido Grazioli]( * [Romain Pelisse]( * [Pavan Kumar Motaparthi](