=========================================== middleware_automation.wildfly Release Notes =========================================== .. contents:: Topics This changelog describes changes after version 0.0.7. v1.3.0 ====== Minor Changes ------------- - Apply cp options `#99 `_ v1.2.2 ====== Major Changes ------------- - wildfly_install: (eap) apply_cp does not depend on systemd `#90 `_ Minor Changes ------------- - Add elytron adapter install (EAP) `#92 `_ - wildfly-systemd: yaml configuration extension accept templates `#91 `_ Bugfixes -------- - Correctly handle server restarts post apply_cp and keycloak_adapter `#94 `_ v1.2.1 ====== Release Summary --------------- Patch release with internal changes only. v1.2.0 ====== Major Changes ------------- - Propagate wildfly_install defaults to driver, systemd and utils roles `#80 `_ Bugfixes -------- - Become in "Check local download archive path" `#74 `_ - wildfly_driver: added wildfly_user and wildfly_group to defaults `#77 `_ v1.1.0 ====== Minor Changes ------------- - Bump version to 1.1.0 to align with downstream (1.1.0 is identical to 1.0.6 upstream) `#67 `_ v1.0.6 ====== v1.0.5 ====== Minor Changes ------------- - Add ``wildfly_java_opts`` to set parameters for wfly JVM `#60 `_ - Add ``wildfly_statistics_enabled`` var to enable statistics `#58 `_ - Add variable ``wildfly_bind_addr_private`` to set private iface bind address `#55 `_ - Add variable ``wildfly_multicast_addr`` to set tcp/udp mcast address `#56 `_ - Added variable for setting management port bind address `#62 `_ Bugfixes -------- - Fix EAP patch apply when yaml configuration is enabled `#59 `_ v1.0.4 ====== Breaking Changes / Porting Guide -------------------------------- - Rename variable ``instance_id`` to ``wildfly_instance_id`` and update docs `#52 `_ Bugfixes -------- - Add become parameter to tasks that require it `#53 `_ v1.0.3 ====== Minor Changes ------------- - Rename validation role vars to follow proper convention `#48 `_ - wildfly_driver: make variables as default `#39 `_ Breaking Changes / Porting Guide -------------------------------- - Rename jboss_eap role into wildfly_utils to be consistent with role naming convention `#45 `_ Bugfixes -------- - JAVA_HOME should be set according to requested JVM package, or overridden via ``wildfly_java_home`` `#46 `_ - Update included role to new name in rhn installation `#51 `_ v1.0.2 ====== Release Summary --------------- Minor enhancements, and documentation updates. v1.0.1 ====== Release Summary --------------- Minor enhancements, and documentation updates. v1.0.0 ====== Release Summary --------------- This is the first stable release of the ``middleware_automation.wildfly`` collection.